Monday, April 9, 2007

Web 2.0.........By: Margarita Leath

  1. Small business, I think it'll be more useful for that because, I dont think a lot of people go to blogs.
  2. Large business, I think it'll be more useful for that because, a lot of people vist web sites everyday.
  3. Large business, I think it'll be more useful for that because, to me it's important.
  4. Large business, I think it'll be more useful for that because, it's something creative.
  5. Small business, I think it'll be more useful for that because, it just do.
  6. Small business, I think it'll be more useful for that because not to many people have ipods.
  7. Large business, I think it'll be more useful for that because it can be very helpful.
  8. Large business, I think it'll be more useful for that because it can be very helpful too.
  9. Small business, I think it'll be more useful for that because a lot of people with a email address use it.
  10. Large business, I think it'll be much more useful for that because people can use that too.

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