Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What I Learned by..........Margarita Leath

Through out this whole school year, well out of the time I been here I loved the fact tha I learned to put background pictures on my computer. What I'd like to learn these last 9 weeks is how to make my own web site. I also learned how to type better.

Monday, March 19, 2007

About The Article.......More video games and.......

The article (More video games and fewer books at schools?), basicly argues if its good for childeren to play video games, than reading books. Thats basicly what the article talks about.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What I Think Of The Article............

I believe that the people in the article should have just paid the money that they was charged,. Then maybe they wouldn't have went through what they have went through. thats the only thing I think bout the story.

What I Think Of The Article............

I believe that the people in the article should have just paid the money that they was charged,. Then maybe they wouldn't have went through what they have went through. thats the only thing I think bout the story.

Monday, March 12, 2007

My favorite movie Margarita Leath

Hi, my name is Margarita. My favorite move is Final Destanation. There's three parts of the movie. But my favorite part of the three would be, part three. Why? My reason why would be because its better than the two other parts. I believe that this movie makes since, because the fact that once in a while I get strange feelings that something bad is going to happen too. I remember last year in May, I told my mom that I felt something bad was going to happen, but I didn't know what it was. Then a few days after she got sick, and I told her that she needed to go see the doctor, she went to the doctor a few days after I told her to go. When she went she found out that she had cancer in her kidneys, that spreaded throught her body, after a while my sisters and I found out she died. So now my sister (Semetrius) and I live with my dad and my step mom. So basicly, the reason why I like this movie is because I can relate to it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Teachers should..........

Hello, my name is Margarita. I believe that teachers can get students into learning by makeing it more fun. What I mean is that they should take us on more field trips.....well as long as it has something to do with what were learning. For example if students are learning about history, teachers should take us some were dealing with history. Thats something that I think will get, and keep students interested in learning. I believe this because thats something that will keep me interested in learning.

Hilary Duff

Hello, my name is Margarita. I believe that teachers can get students into learning by makeing it more fun. What I mean is that they should take us on more field trips.....well as long as it has something to do with what were learning. For example if students are learning about history, teachers should take us some were dealing with history. Thats something that I think will get, and keep students interested in learning. I believe this because thats something that will keep me interested in learning.